
Compilers are, in general, maintained from a central NFS repository, and made accessible via the module command (from Lmod). For example

hsm@secretariat:~$ module load gnu
hsm@secretariat:~$ module avail

---------------- /usr/share/lmod/lmod/modulefiles ----------------
   Core/lmod/6.6    Core/settarg/6.6

------ /auto/software/swtree/ubuntu20.04/x86_64/modulefiles ------
   anaconda/3          git/2.38.0             julia/1.8.0
   cmake/3.22.5        gnu/10.2.0             llvm/8.0.1
   gcc/10.2.0          gnu/11.1.0             llvm/13.0.1
   gcc/11.1.0          gnu/11.3.0             llvm/14.0.0 (D)
   gcc/11.3.0          gnu/12.1.0    (L,D)
   gcc/12.1.0   (D)    hipsycl/0.9.2

   L:  Module is loaded
   D:  Default Module

If you do not load a module, you will get the default compiler as delivered by the operating system vendor (4.8.5 on some systems). If you module load gnu you will currently get 12.1.0, as it is the default. If you need, say, 10.2.0, you need to module load gnu/10.2.0. Note that documentation details with respect to compiler availability and versions will not necessarily be kept up to date; the system itself is authoritative.

Some compilers (notably xlc and the nvhpc tool chain) cannot be installed on nfs, so if they are availble they will show up in a different module directory. The same module commands are used.

Additional compilers can be installed on request to Maintaining multiple Gnu suites is straightforward, less so for other tool suites.

Additional compilers and tools can also be installed using Spack.

Last updated

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