
Git (code revision management system) is installed on all ExCL systems on which it makes sense. Git operates as expected, except for external access.

If you require access to external git resources, you need to do a little more.

HTTP or HTTPS access

For HTTP or HTTPS access, make sure you have the following environment variables (they should be set by default, but may not be if you have altered your environment)


The proxy server has access to the full Oak Ridge network (open research only).

git protocol access

Some projects require git protocol access. This is done by proxying git requests through the ExCL proxy server, which has outgoing read-only access on port 9418. To configure your environment to make this work:

1) Put the following file somewhere in your executable path: $ cat git-proxy

socat -$1:$2,proxyport=3128

2) You may need to modify your executable path by adding this to your .bash_profile


If you have done so, you can put git-proxy ~/bin. Make sure you have modified its permissions so it is executable.

3) Add the following line to your ~/.gitconfig file

    gitProxy = git-proxy

You should now be able to clone via the git protocol from a remote GitLab or GitHub instance.

If you get a complaint about not being able to find socat, send an email to, indicating which system it is, and I will address it as soon as I see it.

exception>:9418 squid proxy configured to allow this.

Git config to convert Git SSH URLs to HTTPS

An alternative to setting up a proxy is to configure Git to convert Git URLs to HTTPS URLs by changing your global git config with the following commands.

git config --global url."".insteadOf
git config --global url."".insteadOf

Git SSH Access

ssh can be used to clone repositories on the login node. In order to clone repositories on the internal nodes, the ssh config needs to be changed to use the login node as a proxy jump. Here is an example ssh config with jump proxies to,, and

   ProxyJump login

To configure git to always use ssh for repositories, use the config command below.

git config --global url."".insteadOf

Setup Git access to

The recommended approach to access is to use SSH. To do this, you need to generate an SSH key and add it to your GitLab account. The following steps will guide you through the process.

  1. Generate an SSH key.

  1. Add the SSH key to your GitLab account.

cat ~/.ssh/
  1. If you are on an ExCL system and you have not already done so, configure your SSH client to use the login node as a jump proxy. See Git SSH Access for more information.

If you use a passphrase with your SSH key (recommended for security), then you should also setup an SSH Agent to load the SSH key. This allows you to enter your passphrase once for the session without needing to enter your passphrase potentially many times for each git command. The VS Code documentation is well written for setting up this SSH Agent on a variety of platforms, see Visual Studio Code Remote Development Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks.

Last updated