This document describes how to access Snapdragon 855 HDK boards through mcmurdo and amundsen excl computing machines. The Snapdragon 855 HDK board is connected to Ubuntu linux machines through ADB.
The Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 855 Mobile Hardware Development Kit (HDK) is a highly integrated and optimized Android development platform.
Accessing this system:
Qualcomm board is connected to an HPZ820 workstation (McMurdo) or to an HP Z4 workstation (Clark) through USB
Development Environment: Android SDK/NDK
Login to mcmurdo or clark
$ ssh –Y mcmurdo
Setup Android platform tools and development environment
$ source /home/nqx/setup_android.source
Make sure you have a functining environment
adb kill-server
adb start-server
adb root (restart adbd as root)
adb devices (to make sure there is a snapdragon responding)
adb shell (to test connecting to the device)
Run Hello-world on ARM cores
$ git clone
$ make compile push run
Run OpenCL example on GPU
$ git clone
Run Sobel edge detection
$ make compile push run fetch
Login to Qualcomm development board shell
$ adb shell
$ cd /data/local/tmp
Other Details
The snapdragon SDK uses python 2.7; you may need to explicitly specify python2 in your environment.
Access will be granted per request (as this cannot be used as a shared resource).
Useful Links
Android Studio:
Quallcomm Neural Processor SDK:
Last updated
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