Build and run MPI (Message Passing Interface) enabled codes on ExCL
Hello World built with nvhpc
## mpi_hello_world.c#include<mpi.h>#include<stdio.h>intmain(int argc,char** argv) {// Initialize the MPI environmentMPI_Init(NULL,NULL);// Get the number of processesint world_size;MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&world_size);// Get the rank of the processint world_rank;MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&world_rank);// Get the name of the processorchar processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];int name_len;MPI_Get_processor_name(processor_name,&name_len);// Print off a hello world messageprintf("Hello world from processor %s, rank %d out of %d processors\n", processor_name, world_rank, world_size);// Finalize the MPI environment.MPI_Finalize();}
$mpirun-np4-mcacoll_hcoll_enable0./a.out--------------------------------------------------------------------------[[63377,1],2]: A high-performance Open MPI point-to-point messaging modulewas unable to find any relevant network interfaces:Module: OpenFabrics (openib) Host: milan0Another transport will be used instead, although this may result inlower performance.NOTE: You can disable this warning by setting the MCA parameterbtl_base_warn_component_unused to 0.--------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello world from processor, rank 2 out of 4 processorsHello world from processor, rank 0 out of 4 processorsHello world from processor, rank 1 out of 4 processorsHello world from processor, rank 3 out of 4 processors
-np 4 specifies that 4 processes will be created, each running a copy of the mpi_hello_world program
-mca coll_hcoll_enable 0 disables HCOLL
InfiniBand and HCOLL
ExCL systems typically do not have InfiniBand setup. (Although if this is required, it can be added as needed.) HCOLL (HPC-X: Collective Communication Library) requires an InfiniBand adapter and since it's enabled by default, you could see HCOLL warnings/errors which state that no HCA device can be found. You can disable HCOLL and get rid of these warnings/errors with the -mca coll_hcoll_enable 0 flag for example: mpirun -np 4 -mca coll_hcoll_enable 0 ./a.out.